Android launchers provide users with the ability to customize various parts of their phone or tablet interface, and with them, you can easily customize any part of your Android interface that you want. We have introduced dozens of them so far. Today, we want to introduce a simple, fast, and professional launcher called Cool Launcher Pro, with which you can completely transform the look of your Android and customize its parts! The designer of this launcher claims to have introduced the fastest launcher and the best alternative for your Android smartphone interface. Try it out and see if it’s true!

一些 Cool Launcher Pro Android 启动器的功能和特点:

* 不同类型的功能可用于自定义锁屏

* 支持通知,让您了解事件

现在,Cool Launcher Pro在安卓市场上以3.99美元的价格出售,并获得了4.5分(满分5分)的评分。我们在Usroid上将其作为第一个伊朗网站 免费介绍给您。


* 修复启动器的问题并提高性能


Download Cool Launcher Pro - Android Launcher!